It's very important to pay attention to your behavior regarding your lifestyle, food you it, what type of cosmetic and body nurture products you use as that all affects you. People who try to eat healthy will not devour anything they think is tasty. They will learn what they need to put into their body in order to get the desired result, and they also check for any side effects that kind of diet may cause. The same goes with cosmetics and health products, you just have to know what you are putting on yourself and in what way is that going to help you. You first must understand your needs, and once you do you can find the right health and beauty product for you

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Born To Work

Orang berkata: “Beri mereka kail, bukan ikan!”

“Belum cukup”, kataku. Doronglah! Agar orang mau mencari ikan - mau bekerja. Dengan kemauan yang kuat, seseorang dapat menemukan pintu yang masih terbuka.

Kerja keras dan menganggur itu sama-sama meletihkan, menghabiskan waktu dan energi. Bedanya, yang satu bermuara kesuksesan dan lainnya kegagalan. Bekerja merupakan adikodrati manusia, suatu panggilan hidup yang amat mulia, membuat orang merasa lebih berharga.

Manusia dilahirkan untuk bekerja, tidak boleh hanya mencari enak saja, bermalas-malasan, tapi ingin memperoleh segala kebutuhannya. “Do not look for a rest, you were born to work”.

Sebenarnya pekerjaan itu tidak pernah sepi, di sekitar kita banyak orang yang membutuhkan jasa. Iklan lowongan kerja setiap hari dimuat media cetak dan elektronik. Ingin berwirausaha? Banyak bidang usaha terbuka luas, lihat di internet, atau baca buku seperti:Ide Jitu Peluang Usaha dsb.

Tidak punya modal? Pilihlah bidang usaha yang tidak memerlukan modal, berbagai macam bisnis jasa dan lain-lain.

Manusia telah didesign untuk mampu menguasai bumi, langit dan segala isinya. Allah merancang setiap orang menjadi pribadi yang unik. Masing-masing dilahirkan di dunia, dengan membawa talenta serta kemampuan alami yang berbeda-beda, hanya saja berangkali belum kita kenali, kita sentuh, dan kita rasakan.

Berbagai kemampuan ciptaan Allah, yang masih tersembunyi di dalam diri kita, seharusnya dapat digunakan berkarya, untuk mencari nafkah. Jadi, kurang apa lagi? Pekerjaan banyak tersedia, kita sudah dilengkapi dengan talenta dan kemampuan masing-masing.

Sekarang tinggal memerlukan kemauan, tekat, keberanian, motivasi, dan antusiasme, yang datang dari dalam dirinya sendiri. Dan modal utamanya adalah percaya diri dan semangat untuk mencapai harapan masa depan yang gemilang.

Tanpa ada harapan, orang tidak mempunyai semangat, semuanya terlihat buram hidup tidak akan terasa indah. Dr. Maxwell, dalam bukunya Be All You Can Be mengatakan: “Kalau tidak ada keyakinan kepada masa depan, tidak ada kekuatan dimasa sekarang”. Jangan percaya dengan isu masa depan suram!

Masa depan Anda sungguh ada - bangun sikap yang sehat dan ….. optimism!

Dengan kerja keras, mengembangkan talenta, senantiasa meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan, memiliki motivasi yang tinggi, antusiasme, percaya diri, serta memegang teguh komitmen. Anda akan menemukan masa depan yang gemilang***

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Health First

Health is something that no individual can live without, we all strive for a healthy life. The reason why health and beauty are important to us is that they state how much we care about ourselves. A person who takes care of his health by working out and eating healthy and a person who nurtures his or hers body shows us a line of discipline that can be reflected in all areas of life.

It's very important to pay attention to your behavior regarding your lifestyle, food you it, what type of cosmetic and body nurture products you use as that all affects you.

There is no point in using a product for skin problems that is not going to work or is not compatible with your skin and you just end up making the situation worse.

People who try to eat healthy will not devour anything they think is tasty. They will learn what they need to put into their body in order to get the desired result, and they also check for any side effects that kind of diet may cause.

The same goes with cosmetics and health products, you just have to know what you are putting on yourself and in what way is that going to help you.

In order to obtain health and beauty you must look out for your needs, many people tend to get health crazy and listen to any advice that they come by and they end up hurting their body more. You first must understand your needs, and once you do you can find the right health and beauty product for you. Going to a doctor will surely help you to get a few basic ideas what you need, so you should start from there.

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